The HomeSchoolers’ Network is a Christian Ministry.  The HomeSchoolers’ Network (HSN) strives to create a Christian environment that fosters learning while connecting homeschooling families to people and resources which encourage academic, social and spiritual growth.

There are membership requirements to participate in the HomeSchoolers’ Network programs.

Qualifications to gain or maintain membership in HSN are:

  • Agreeing to and abiding by all policies established by HSN leadership and stated in the HSN Handbook.
  • Sign the Statement of Faith.
  • Pay all applicable fees for classes and activities.
  • Remain on the premises if you are participating in Tuesday classes and fulfill the co-op service requirements.
  • Lead your children to observe and follow the behavior policies.

Disqualifications for obtaining membership or maintaining membership privileges and reasons for termination:

  • Membership shall be terminated if the member cannot fulfill or abide by the policies established in the Handbook
  • In accordance with the statement of Faith and authority of Scripture, the HSN co-op will not accept into membership or will terminate the membership of families with parents or guardian involved in same-sex relationships or other nonmarital-sexual relationships, or who adopt or identify as a gender other than one’s birth gender.

Detailed information regarding the procedures that will assist everyone in following these key general policies will be addressed further in the handbook.

Other Contact Information:

We are more than happy to help you in any way. You can fill out the form or contact us via one of these methods.


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